Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Top Houseboat Destinations in India

India is a land of culture and heritage and there are a lot of places that can be visited here. Right from temples, rivers, lovely landscapes and mountains a lot of people come to India from different countries and nations. Some of the destinations in India are also known for their lovely houseboat destinations. Most of the couple love to go to houseboat destinations to spend some lovely time along with their loved ones.

Let us quickly check some of the houseboat destinations in India virtually and then let’s decide to take a tour of these places!
1.      Dal Lake
Kashmir is one of those places which everyone must visit at least once in their lifetime. During your visit to Kashmir during summer one must always choose to book a houseboat in Srinagar. Staying in one of those wooden boathouses of Dal Lake can be quite an experience.

2.      Assam
Known for its splendid plantations, Assam is one of those places in India that can again give you a unique experience. Cruises on the Brahmaputra river with amazing dining options can make you feel extremely good.

3.      Goa
Goa is one of those destinations which attract a lot of people across the world for its pubs, beaches, casinos and delicious Goa food. Most of the people would book the boathouses because of the parties that get arranged.

4.      Kerala
This is one of the most sought out states in India that offers the best houseboat destinations. This place would usually be flocked with couple because houseboats are cozy and would make people feel extremely loved. Some of the best places in Kerala that offer houseboat options are Alleppey, Kochi and Kumarakam.

5.      Vishakhapatnam
Filled with pristine beaches and caves, Vizag is one of those destinations which are frequented by a lot of tourists. If you are planning to stay in a houseboat then Vishakhapatnam is one of the best places that you should visit. When you plan for a trip to Vizag then, you can also take a tour to places like Kailasagiri, Simhachalam temple. Borra caves is one of the must visit places when you are in Vizag.

6.      Pondicherry
When you are in Pondicherry, you are certainly going to eat from some of the best French restaurants and also roam around and take stroll in the French colony. Along with this, you would also certainly go around the beaches then, why not book your stay in one of the best boathouses in Pondicherry? Well, Chunnambar Houseboat has been regarded as one of the best houseboat destinations that you can certainly think of.

7.      Tarkarli, Maharashtra
Getting a houseboat in Tarkarli can be the best options because this is regarded as one of the best scuba diving locations in the country. Tarkarli has some of the best houseboat options where one can definitely enjoy their completely and comfortably.

8.      Udupi, Karnataka
There aren’t many options unlike the other places in the land of temples of Udupi yet, some of the best houseboat options like the Paradise Lagoon Boat House and panchajanya cruise provides quite a wonderful experience when you are traversing around this place.

9.      Konaseema, Andhra Pradesh
If there is any other place that can compete with the mesmeric backwaters of Kerala is Konaseema. Located in the delta region this is one of the most amazing boathouse destinations that you must certainly explore.

10.  Sundarban
Traversing across the parks of Sundarban on a cruise and staying in one of those houseboats can indeed be a lovely experience as this is the only option that is available to explore the park.
Spending time in the houseboats can be one of the most wonderful experiences because staying on the cruise first-hand can be extremely different and lovely. So, if you are looking for options to make your trip to india  a memorable one, you must certainly think of booking houseboats in any of these destinations mentioned above. 

Monday, 12 August 2019

Where to visit in India in 3 days?

Wіth mоrе thаn 30,000 уеаrs оf hіstоrу, Іndіа іs thе bіrthрlасе оf numеrоus сulturеs аnd rеlіgіоns mаkіng іt оnе оf thе mоst іmроrtаnt tоurіst dеstіnаtіоns іn thе wоrld. Веіng rulеd оvеr vаrіоus dуnаstіеs аnd kіngdоms bеfоrе bеіng еstаblіshеd аs а rерublіс іn thе 20th сеnturу, Іndіа hаs mоrе thаn Thоusаnd tоurіst аttrасtіоns аnd sеvеrаl Wоrld Неrіtаgе Ѕіtеs. Lіstеd bеlоw аrе sоmе оf thе mоst ехtrаvаgаnt рlасеs уоu саn vіsіt іn Іndіа.

1. Тhе Rеd Fоrt, Dеlhі
Еstаblіshеd аs Ѕhаhјаhаnаbаd іn 1648, Тhе Rеd Fоrt wаs knоwn аs thе саріtаl оf thе МughаlЕmріrе іn Іndіа. Іts соnstruсtіоn іs аttrіbutеd tо ЅhаhЈаhаn whо аlsо buіlt thе fаmоus Тај Маhаl іn Аgrа, аnd wаs аlsо knоwn bу thе nаmе QuіlаМubаrаk аnd rеmаіnеd thе rеsіdеnсе оf thе Мughаl Іmреrіаl fаmіlу fоr nеаrlу 20 dесаdеs.

2. Тhе Тај Маhаl, Аgrа
Тhе nаmе Тај Маhаl, trаnslаtеs tо thе ‘Сrоwn Раlасе’ аnd іs оnе оf thе mоst fаmоus аnd mаrvеlоus buіldіngs іn Іndіа. Lосаtеd іn thе сіtу оf Аgrа, Тај Маhаl іs асtuаllу а mаusоlеum buіlt tо hоusе thе rеmаіns оf МumtаzМаhаl, thе wіfе оf Мughаl Еmреrоr ЅhаhЈаhаn. Тhе buіldіng іs knоwn fоr іts ехtеnsіvе usе оf whіtе mаrblе аnd wаs соmрlеtеd іn thе mіd-17th сеnturу.

3. Раngоng Lаkе, Lаdаkh
Wіth іts lосаtіоn bеtwееn Іndіа аnd Тіbеt, Раngоng Lаkе іs аn еnсhаntіng sаltwаtеr lаkе lосаtеd іn thе Ніmаlауаs іn Lаdаkh. Тhе lаkе саn bе rеасhеd vіа а 4-5 hоurs’ drіvе frоm Lеh vіа thе sсеnіс Сhаnglа Раss. РаngоngТsо іs knоwn fоr іts hурnоtіzіng bluе wаtеrs аnd flосks оf mіgrаtоrуbіrds thаt саn bе sееn hеrе.

4. ЈаmаМаsјіd, Dеlhі
Κnоwn fоrmаllу аs ‘Маsјіd-і-Јаhаn-Νumа’, thе ЈаmаМаsјіd wаs buіlt bу thе Мughаl Еmреrоr ЅhаhЈаhаn іn thе mіd-17th сеnturу. Тhе mоsquе іs buіlt іn а mајеstіс Іndо-Іslаmіс stуlе mаіnlу іn Rеd Ѕаndstоnе аnd mаrblе. ЈаmаМаsјіd hаs thrее gаtеwауs, 2 mіnаrеts аnd fоur tоwеrs thаt рrоvіdе іt wіth аn іmроsіng lооk.

5. Аkshаrdhаm Теmрlе, Dеlhі
Іnаugurаtеd іn 2005, thе Аkshаrdhаm tеmрlе іn Dеlhі іs knоwn аs оnе оf thе mајоr Ніndu tеmрlеs іn Іndіа. Тhе struсturе оf thе tеmрlе іs mаdе frоm sсulрtеdsаndstоnе аnd tооk аlmоst 7000 аrtіsаns tо соmрlеtе. Тhе еntіrе соmрlех іs dесоrаtеd wіth sсulрtеd ріllаrs, sсulрturеs dерісtіngdеіtіеs, sаdhus аnd аnіmаls аlоng wіth sсеnеs frоm thе Ніndu mуthоlоgу.

Also Know Famous Temples in Delhi
6. Оld Воmbау, Мumbаі
Веfоrе іt wаs сеdеd tо thе Вrіtіsh, thе роrt сіtу оf Мumbаі wаs а grоuр оf 7 іslаnds, whісh wеrе соnnесtеd іntо а sіnglе lаndmаss thrоugh lаnd rесlаmаtіоn аrоund thе lаtе 18th сеnturу. Ѕіnсе thеn thе сіtу wаs dеvеlореd аs а mајоr роrt tоwn іn Іndіа аftеr thе соnstruсtіоn thе Ѕuеz Саnаl. Тhе оld tоwn іs knоwn fоr іts hіstоrіс аrсhіtесturе аnd vаrіоus tоurіst аttrасtіоns іn Мumbаі.

7. RаshtrараtіВhаvаn, Dеlhі
Κnоwn durіng thе Вrіtіsh Rај аs thе Vісеrоу’s Ноusе, RаshtrараtіВhаvаn іs knоwn аs thе sеаt аnd rеsіdеnсе оf thе Рrеsіdеnt оf Іndіа. Тhе struсturе іs buіlt іn а vаst аrеа thаt еnсоmраssеs 320 асrеs оf lаnd, іn а mаrvеlоus stуlе thаt іnсоrроrаtеs stуlеs frоm Іndіаn аnd Еurореаn аrсhіtесturе.
13 , 14, Days signature north india Trip
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Days India Tour Itinerary

8. Маhаbоdhі Теmрlе, ВоdhGауа
Тhе Маhаbоdhі Теmрlе іs оnе оf thе mајоr ріlgrіm sіtе fоr thе Вuddhіsts аs іt thе рlасе whеrе Lоrd Вuddhа rесеіvеd еnlіghtеnmеnt. Тhе tеmрlе іs lосаtеd аt а dіstаnсе оf 96 kіlоmеtеrs frоm Раtnа аnd іs аlsо thе sіght оf thе ВоdhіТrее, thе ехасt sроt whеrе ЅіddhаrthаGаutаmа mеdіtаtеd іn аrоund 589 ВС.

Also Know  - Touring From Varanasi to BodhGaya 

Thursday, 27 June 2019

India's Popular Tourists Destinations

India has many places with different taste like hill stations, romantic destinations, pilgrimage & more so you can find here all type of places so we have listed below top destinations explore it 

1- Delhi 

This is a city surrounded by history. Paharganj in Delhi, which is a gathering place for self-help travelers will be a good place to start. The city is very delicious in addition to the charming monuments. Delhi is the capital of India and the largest light sight in North India. It is right to go to  Agra or Taj Mahal from here. Rajasthan’s Jeb is only five hours away from here.

2- Mumbai

Mumbai is a Famous metro city across the city and a hub of Bollywood Celebrities of India with high class malls & society this city is Fast than other indian city you can find Bollywood movies, cricket weekend Square, rice puffs on cross-Bo Padi Beach (Chowpatty) and red double-Decker bus. It is also notorious for the red light district, Asia's largest slum, local autonomy and the gathering of underworld.

 3- Goa

 It was deeply influenced by Portuguese culture. The local Catholics and Christians far exceeded Hinduism. Facing the Arabian Sea is a place with sandy  beaches, coconut groves, suede, and exotic exoticism.

 4- Kanyakumari 

Kanyakumari has a very special identity. It is the southernmost corner of the Indian peninsula and is also known as the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. Its status of pilgrimage in the hearts of Indians is greater than the comfort of sightseeing. In the eyes of foreign travelers, Kanyakumari is really a rare town full of Indian tourists.

 5- Agra 

Agra is a Famous place for monument and romantic destiantion which was made by mughal emperor Shah Jahan for Mumtaz Mahal, the queen died in 1631 because of dystocia. It is said that the Shakihan emperor was too heartbroken and turned his hair overnight. In the same year he began to build Taj Mahal until 1653. The building was really completed.The overall structure of the Taj Mahal built by the Shakihan emperor is perfect.
Even with high-tech and close-up inspections, you will agree that this is a fine and perfect building.

 6- Varanasi

 As From 2000 year Varanasi is known as the Eternal City and one of the famous Religious center of India so you can feel & Find peace with some famous religious places and temples of different religion. Varanasi is situated on the bank of holy river Ganga.  It is said that this place combines the virtues of various religions, as long as you come here. Pilgrimage and spend a whole day here, no matter what kind of crime you committed before, you will be forgiven and return to heaven.

So this places are mostly included in all India tours so you can also choose best one from popular India tour itinerary given below:

Friday, 14 June 2019

Reasons Why should You Explore Kerala

In the world there are very few unexplored paradises one of them is Kerala. which is Located in southern part of India, this province is a southern paradise of swamps and rice fields, aromatic curries, ululating palm trees and fishing villages, Indiana Jones temples, yoga, meditation and ayurveda. so you visit kerala to eat and Enjoy a magical journey through unsuspected Travel to India, So lets go ahead to take a short information about some popular & most visited by tourists in Gods Own Country.

Read Here- Top 10 Honeymoon Destinations in Kerala

Alappuzha or Alleppey, this seaside town has a complex canal system, and the view into the Arabian Sea will soothe your tired mind. Since ancient times, sailors have used this place as the safest harbour, and will come here to rest when the sea is in a bad climate. The coastal sandbank extends to the interior, and the special muddy terrain is another attraction inthe Alleppey.

Also Know - Eco Tourism Destination in Kerala

Cochin Castle is an old town built during the British colonial period. It takes about 20 minutes by bus from the new city to Cochin Castle. It costs only 4 cents, and the shallow sea is breezy. Many ships are docked at the port along the way.

 Also Read- Snake Boat Race in Kerala 

Kerala Backwater  boat house on the Great Lakes is the best view and pleasant time that you can spend there on a boat with natural beauty and surrounded by green trees & silent winds that will make you refresh & energetic. The boathouse is fully equipped and staying on the boat to visit the Great Lakes scenery is too comfortable for people who are not often on the boat, and there is no wind and waves that will not seasick.

Also Read - How to Book a Houseboat in Kerala 
Famous Itinerary of Kerala Backwater 

Varkala is a Famous Beach destination in Kerala which is also known as second Goa of India, The Arabian Sea is the most beautiful and bluest section along the west coast. The sandy beach under the cliff is smooth and sandy so you can enjoy the waves of sea on the beaches and also visit to see the spectacular view of sunrise & sunset.

Also Read- Traditional Dance in Kerala 

Tea plantations that present fantastic panoramic views, trekking through the mountains until you find yourself on the top with the world at your feet, possibility
of carrying out a large number of sports and activities in an unbeatable environment, sleeping in a campsite under the stars ... could follow, follow and continue.
 The outdoor offer of Kerala is endless.

So this is not enough to explore the Kerala because there are a lot of things that we cannot explore at once we need a proper vacation time to explore apart from this

Top Kerala Tours- 

Monday, 27 May 2019

Luxurious & Historical Places to Explore in Agra By India's Luxury Train

If you believe the Taj Mahal is the only thing Agra is famous for, you might want to consider reading further. Agra lets you embrace the unique panache in the fields of architecture and craftsmanship that sums up the cultural heritage of the city. Every monument, temple, and palace in Agra tells a glorious story of the bygone era, especially the Mughals.

Also Read -    Things to do in Agra

Where there are the Mughals, there lies the royalty and luxury. Let's catch some of its luxurious places that you can explore while on your trip to experience India's lavishness with some listed India luxury trains . find

Itmad-ud-Daulah- You may also call it Baby Taj Mahal .  Itmad-ud-Daulah is a historic tomb that's been restored and reformed into a beauteous garden complex. Though smaller than Taj, but possesses alike features. The tomb represents the lavishness and royalty of the Mughal era as Itmad-ud-Daulah is said to have arrived from Persia and was one of the greatest Mughal figurine and adviser to Akbar and then his son Jahangir. The nobility appears in every drop of the tomb and it's completely irresistible.

You can also explore Agra with one of the famous Luxurious train The Maharaja Express Train

Explore some features of Maharaja Express  

Man Singh Palace- Widely known to have provided their guests with utmost comfort and extravagance, the Man Singh Palace is a five-star luxurious hotel and palace in Agra. The regal rooms and suites of this palace are well-furnished and gives an enthralling view of the magnificent Taj Mahal. For a lavish but royal tour of Agra, the palace provides enough facilities that would make you live life king size. You can enjoy all day dining options with multiple cuisines, exotic spas, swimming pool, clubs and bar lounges, etc.

Tour Itinerary Agra By Maharaja Express-

Amar Vilas Palace- Located at about 600 meters from the Taj Mahal, this luxurious 5-star palace is designed while taking the Mughal architecture in consideration. The palace welcomes you to explore the gushing fountains, blooming gardens, majestic edifices, and scrumptious culinary which is enough to leave you awestruck. This luxurious hotel is an epitome of Indian hospitality that comes with grace and elegance. The regal rooms and suites are spacious and royal. The art decor can give any lavish resort a run for huge money.

You Can Also Read - Ultimate Quick Guide to Agra

Ram Bagh- It is the oldest Mughal Garden in India. It takes you through the Persia ln luxuries of nature. It resembles the Islam's ideal paradise, i.e., river flowing through gardens. It was originally called Aram Bagh or the Garden of Rest. The water that flows down through the three terraces in a series of waterfalls is sure to mesmerize your soul with nature's beauty and luxury. Since it's a royal garden, pets are surely not allowed here.

Also Read- Taj Mahal Travel Guide

Agra Fort- Your trip to Agra is incomplete and unsatisfactory if you don't visit this masterpiece of Mughal architecture. A walled city on its own, the Agra Fort is located at 2.5 km from the mighty Taj Mahal. This fort is so magnificent that it's considered to be a part of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites. Many royal dynasties have restored this fort while ruling the city. The history of Mughal era's vibrancy lies in every brick of the Agra Fort. Everything from the Diwan-e-Aam to the Macchi Bhawan narrates the stories of royalty and history of the tragic tale of the Emperor Shah Jahan and his imprisonment in the Musamman Burj, by his own son.. so if you are planning a tour to india then you can find from here.